We offer a complete array of remote and onsite IT services, but our primary focus is Managed Services for Small and Medium-sized Businesses. We specialize in working with customers that do not have the resources or need for a full time IT staff. Our managed service offerings allow Elite MSP to fill that need.
Our standard Managed Service packages include: 24x7 network and server monitoring, email spam filtering, workstation antivirus, managed server backups, and remote support. Our Managed Services packages also come at fixed fee rates making it easy for customers to budget and anticipate scaling costs with growth.
In addition to Managed Services we also offer break fix and ad hoc services, Project Management, and hardware sales.

MSP Work Stations
Managed Services for Desktop and Laptop computers. Includes: Anti Virus, Spam Filtering, Automated Patching, system Management, and labor for General Support.
MSP Servers
Managed Services for Physical and Virtual Servers. Includes: Hardware monitoring Quarterly Patching, Management of onsite backup, Offsite backup to 100gb, Anti Virus as needed, and labor for General Support.
MSP Mobile
Managed Services for users that access company data without a dedicated Work Station. This includes labor for General Support of access to Office 365 through Mobile Phones, Tablets, and web access.
Break Fix
Don't have a Managed Service Agreement? We are always available and ready to assist with your technology needs. Standard labor rates apply.
Bundled Hours & Projects
Don't have the need for a Managed Service Agreement but have an upcoming project or work you need assistance with? We offer discounted labor rates for Pre Paid hours and Projects.
Hardware & Software
In addition to our Service Offerings we also resell Hardware, Software, and Software as a Service (SaaS).